Monday, January 21, 2013

blue monday

Well, well, well here it is 2013....

This morning, as I enjoyed a gentle wake up and slow cup of coffee -- courtesy of a much needed three day weekend (MLK!)--- I flipped on the news and was told, amidst the inaugural flurry, that today, the third Monday of the new year is apparently called BLUE Monday -- womp womp womp - the day of the year when people report being the most miserable....lovely!

Allegedly today is born of a nasty combination: financial woes, frigid temperatures, and failure. Yay.

  •  one part holiday debt   
  •  one part ice, snow and serious lack of daylight
  •  one part broken resolutions
I guess it's the point in January when many of us have already broken, forgotten or simply not lived up to the new years resolutions set (most likely in a champagne fueled haze...) just a couple of weeks back. 

Me?  I'm three weeks passed due on setting any resolutions for this, my 27th year of life...good start...sigh... just haven't been totally sure what I want to accomplish or what I want to focus on...

Anywho -  I've decided to get down too it. Spoiler alert -- there isn't too much originality in my goal setting...get in the best shape of my life (seriously!), eat better, cook more, travel (and travel, and travel, and travel) be more creative, save money, write, solve world hunger (tell no one)...

in an effort to avoid the pitfall of my own blue monday three weeks from now (a depressing moment which would coincide nicely with the availability of mass quantities of russell stover chocolate samplers.....)  -- I am attempting a resolution multi-task. 

So, here it is. I'll cook, I'll bake, I'll juice, I'll explore the cambridge culinary scene, I'll drink, I'll eat, I'll write about it....

In truth it won't be my first attempt dabbling in the blogosphere -- but inspired by a few good friends who are already writing on a fairly regular basis (see max and coco, mustard stains, lovelustandlunch) I am giving it another go. wish me luck. 

stay tuned for the season opener --  my first (non-intro) post: the hot and healthy bachelor i like to fork (and spoon for that matter)

final musing on this blue monday. After watching the inaugural happenings -- i've decided it should be re-branded: jay-z blue monday (true story -HOVA actually trademarked a shade of blue -- so i may owe royalties of sorts...). It's a good looking color -- plus I was feeling rather inspired after watching Mrs. Jay-Z's rendition of the star spangled banner. she knocked it out of the district --truly talented, absolutely gorgeous, insane body, seemingly happy life...

ladies be pimps too...go and brush your shoulders off


  1. I like your new blog Em. I was thinking of starting one as well, but instead will use a spiral naugahide bound lined journal as I'm so "on the go" these days. I've been extra inspired as I listen to Traveling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and her daughter Ann Kidd Taylor. They seem to address the issues and topics that I am tackling these days or in the recent past. I like your clever title and the witty part about the hot and healthy bachelor i like to fork (and spoon for that matter. Very daring and honest indeed. Thank goodness or as some like to say, thank godess that I am unafraid to hear about things such as forking. Write on ! Get it?

  2. I already love it and can't wait to read everything you write! You know I'm here to run with, beer to face with after we kill a race and most definitely share some food with :) xoxo
